Join us in building a better future for orphans and Kafala families
Advance quality care for orphans by advocating, educating, and developing resources for Kafala families
Yalla Kafala is a non-profit charity founded in 2020 with the aim of creating a better life for orphans in Egypt by raising awareness about Kafala, facilitating Kafala procedures, guiding Kafala families and preparing them by providing them with the necessary tools to raise children who are mentally and behaviorally healthy.
Why are the children in orphanages? Who abandons their children?
Children are in the orphanages for no fault of their own, mostly because they were abandoned by the people who were supposed to care for them. Most children in Egypt are abandoned because they have been born out of wedlock (which is a heavily condemned act in Egyptian society). Some other reasons are economic as some families struggle and live in poverty and can’t cope. Some families abandon their children because of disability or other special needs. So families sometimes see orphanages as a way in which they can improve the chances for their children, and this is fed by a perception that their child will be better off.Once a child is abandoned, he/she is incorporated into the state system for the care of children deprived of parental care. Children under two years are sent to centers that belong to the MOH, while children over 2 years are sent to centers that belong to the MOSS.There are many studies that show how children in institutional care lack emotionally and developmentally in comparison with children in families. A loving family is all that any child needs and you don’t need to be perfect to be a perfect parent for one of them.
Must the parents be married for 3+ years before they can apply for kafala?
In cases of fertility challenges, the requirement for a three-year marriage duration will not be enforced.
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