Join us in building a better future for orphans and Kafala families
Our Mission
Advance quality care for orphans by advocating, educating, and developing resources for Kafala families
Yalla Kafala
Yalla Kafala is a non-profit charity founded in 2020 with the aim of creating a better life for orphans in Egypt by raising awareness about Kafala, facilitating Kafala procedures, guiding Kafala families and preparing them by providing them with the necessary tools to raise children who are mentally and behaviorally healthy.
This is not permitted in Islam, but is allowed for Christian families. The child of a Muslim Kafala family can either take the first name of the father or the last name of the family. Religion forbids the child to take both names.Example:• If the given names of the child are: Mohamed Ahmed AbdAllah Sayed• The Kafala father's name is: Hany Mohsen Mohamed El Mallah• The child name can be either: Mohamed Hany AbdAllah Sayed (taking the father’s first name)• Or Mohamed Ahmed AbdAllah Sayed El Mallah (taking the family’s name)
What if I don’t live in Egypt, can I still adopt/ become a kafala parent?
Yes, Egyptian citizenship holders can apply for Kafala/adoption, even if they live outside of Egypt, on the condition that at least one of the two parents is an Egyptian citizen.
Can I apply for kafala if I am a single woman living in my mother's apartment?
It is acceptable for the residence to be registered under your mother's name. However, you are required to provide evidence of that it is your place of residence, which can be verified through your national ID or any legal documentation. Additionally, you must obtain the consent of your mother and any other family member residing in the same household. It is also a requirement to have a stable source of personal income and ensure that there is an appropriate room within the family home designated for the child.
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"فزورتنا امبارح كانت:
ناس كتير بتسألني: ""إزاي ده باباك واسمك مختلف عن اسمه؟"" أنا مين؟
الإجابة: الطفل المكفول.
لما الطفل يكون عارف حقيقته ومتقبلها...
التبني والكفالة هما طريقتين لدعم الأطفال فاقدي الرعاية، لكن الفرق بينهم كبير!
في ""يلا كفالة""، بنشتغل على نشر الوعي عن الكفالة، اللي بتجمع بين الرحمة...