“Despite that some of the officials asked me to return her and choose someone else, I couldn’t because God asked me to have her in a dream. I would definitely do the same, if I got back in time” I am Hanan from Sohag, married for 22 years, and I thought about kafala after five years of marriage and I approached my husband many times about the matter, but he refused every time. When my father, may he rest in peace, died, I felt lonely even though my mother and sisters were present, and I felt that I would be alone for the rest of my life. I was afraid of old age and afraid that I would die and no one would be with me. So, I talked to my husband about kafala again, and again he refused. However, this time I was determined and I asked him to make the choice between accepting kafala or divorcing me, so he desperately agreed. Right the next day, I went and chose Rahma. In fact, God was the one who chose her for me because the day before that I saw her in a dream, and I received Rahma within a week, and the process took no time. It was the most beautiful day of my life. When I heard her calling me “Mama” for the first time, I felt extremely happy. She was bouncing like a child, and every day she was growing before my eyes, happiness and the love between us increased. I discovered after a short while that my daughter had special needs. I thanked God for his blessing, and I did not think of a moment to abandon her, even though some of the officials asked me to return her and choose another, I couldn’t because God asked me to have her in a dream. I would definitely do the same, if I got back in time. After 10 years, I decided to go for kafala again, and thank God I came forward, and after so many procedures, I received Mariam, and it was the same longing that I felt the day I received Rahma, and Rahma was very happy with Mariam. I was so excited and prepared everything for her. I got her new clothes, food, dolls, and sweets. May God bless them, I was completely happy, and I loved them. I felt that my family had grown, knowing that Rahma was the one who chose Mariam. Praise be to God, he honored me with my daughters and Yalla Kafala, and I will be next to our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in Paradise”.